About THR1VE

  • fill the gaps of education that are often missed when diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, or in the health and fitness spaces
  • learn the fundamentals to help you progress in categories like blood sugar control, weight loss/management, fitness/exercise and sleep
  • reduce anxiety around daily life with Type 1 Diabetes and feel empowered to take control
  • feel more confident and clear in your decisions, instead of guessing your way through each day (knowing that doing X will most likely lead to Y) 
  • learn to bolus accurately for all foods/drinks so you can regain food freedom again
  • make meal times stress-free with a carb-counted healthy recipe database that lets you focus on choosing your favourite recipes instead of stressing over carb counts & nutrition
  • get low cost support as you work through the trainings on your own and have the opportunity to join regular live trainings / q&a sessions with fellow members

What other members are saying

“Love love love the recipe database! Such a godsend with a picky t1d eater while trying to juggle full-time work and blood sugars. Thank you for creating this!”

Amber S

“I have found the carb counting masterclass and carb counted recipes really helpful! I have learned more from Andi and her content than our treating teams dietician. She makes it easy and simple to follow and is so easy to talk to! Thank you”


“Why has NOONE ever taught me to basal test before now?!?! This is a total game changer, for the first time ever I'm not having to watch my blood sugars like a hawk to avoid going hypo all the time. Thank you, thank you, thank you Andi!”

“Miss almost 8 approves of the carb counted recipes!”

Melinda Leigh